Whenever money is involved in something there are always people who will try and take advantage and scam others out of it. This is no different in the roofing business and unfortunately, there are scammers all across the country who operate under the facade of a roofing company but really just take your money and run.
In this business, we hear about this happening all too often. One of the things you can do to help yourself from becoming a victim is to research the company before you give them any money.
At Interstate Roofing, we are an established roofing company that has served the Colorado front range since 1994 and are happy to showcase all the work we have done.
In the past, people have complained to the Better Business Bureau that they sign contracts with his roofing company, Tics Roofing and Restoration in Murfreesboro, and pay their deposits; however, they never see any work done on their roof.
Customers also complained they can’t get back in touch with Smallwood after he has taken their deposit.
According to police, Smallwood was convicted of theft after an incident that happened in Nolensville in 2015 where Smallwood took the victim’s money and did not perform any services. Read more…