Insulation is the most effective way to reduce energy consumption and emissions in buildings. Specialists draw attention to the importance of using insulation materials right from the construction phase, in order to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, ensuring a better quality of life, sustainability and environmental protection.
Many homeowners still lose money annually due to incorrect roof insulation, both in the cold season and in the summer. Older houses do not have insulated attics, so this project must be planned with the help of a professional roofer. In the case of a roof without insulation, the owners will consume more energy to heat the houses during the winter and to cool it down during the summer.
A conscientious Colorado Springs roofing company let us know that there are several types of material used for thermal insulation of roofs: polyurethane foam, cellulose, polystyrene, mineral wool (basalt or glass). The thermal conductivity λ shows the ability of a material to transmit heat. The higher the λ value, the more heat is lost, so the weaker the insulation efficiency.
Over 25% of total energy losses happen through the roof. This percentage should be enough to understand that roof insulation is truly a very important operation in the economy of our homes.