The R-value indicated in the specifications attached to insulation materials indicates the material’s resistance to conductive heat flow, that is, the material’s ability to prevent thermal exchange between two spaces. The higher the R-value indicated on a product, the more effective the product is in terms of insulation capacity.
When making decisions about the insulation materials to be installed in your home, you need to look at the R-value of the product you want to choose and you also need to consider aspects related to thickness and location. The R-value of a material can be increased by increasing the thickness and its efficiency will be reduced by any compaction. You must also be aware that the overall R-value of the insulated space will be lower than the R-value of the insulation material because heat flows more readily through exposed studs and joints. The best way to maximize the R-value of your insulated space is to consider combining insulation materials – for example, you can use an insulation blanket on your attic floor and puck a different solution for your attic walls, such as foam insulation.
To be able to make the most of your investment into home insulation, the R-value needed must be calculated carefully, based on climate features and building properties. You can turn to your designated Colorado Springs roofing company for advice and help with the calculation process as well as for consultation regarding your options.