Is Gravel or Tar Better for a Flat Roof?

Many flat roofs today are made either from tar paper or from a combination of special rolled out material and gravel, the latter being called simply gravel roof. Both commercial roof repair Fort Collins solutions come with pros and cons that need to be taken into consideration prior to choosing one of them over the other – here are some details:

commercial roof repair Fort Collins

  • Tar paper is a versatile roofing material, appreciated for its resistance to UV radiation, wind and water. However, tar is considered to be an unsustainable material that may give out noxious fumes during the installation and the curing process and the installation also requires special attention to avoid injuries caused by working with the hot material, therefore it must never be worked on without proper protective equipment that includes a face mask and heat resistant work gloves;
  • Gravel roofs get their name from the topmost layer of the roof, created spreading small river stone or ballast. The gravel is used underneath the topmost layer as well – gravel roofs usually consist of alternate layers of sheet or membrane and stone. Gravel roofs are even stronger and more durable than the roofing systems that use only tar, but the stones on the surface make maintenance and the identification of roofing issues, such as leaks, somewhat more difficult.

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