Signs your Commercial Roof has Storm Damage

Regardless the type of the roof you have above your head, water is its worst enemy and the biggest threat to its integrity. This is particularly true in the case of flat commercial roofs that may retain water on their surface longer than pitched roofs, increasing the risk of damage and infiltration.

flat roof commercial roofing Colorado Springs CO

After each storm, a commercial roof has to be inspected. If you find ponding water, keep it under observation and make sure it drains within 48 hours, otherwise you have a problem that must be addressed quickly. Other signs to look for are bubbles of water trapped beneath the roof`s membrane. If your commercial roof is covered with metallic materials, watch out for rust and corrosion.

Sometimes inspecting the roof cover is not enough to spot potential problems caused by storms. Inspect the inside of the building too and look for wet insulation, stained ceiling and moisture on the walls. If you find signs like these, contact a professional commercial roofing Colorado Springs CO roofer right away.

Another problem that a storm may cause on you commercial roof is hail damage. It may look different, depending on the roofing materials and it can also be hard to spot, especially if the roof is covered with membranes. Sometimes hail damage is only aesthetic, but it may also create cracks and punctures that will allow water to infiltrate.


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