Snow and ice are natural occurrences in winter, things that we look forward to and many of us love, too. However, winter weather brings much less happiness for roofs – both snow and ice can press hard on roofing surfaces and on gutters and freezing temperatures can also be harmful. Identifying snow damage in time and damage prevention measures are essential for preserving the health of your roof, so here are some tips for you:
- Prevention – the only way to prevent winter roof damage is to prepare and to fortify the roof before the first frost. Clean the roof and the gutters from any debris, such as dust, twigs, fallen leaves, feathers and other debris, then inspect the structures for any damage that needs attention. Whatever issue you find, fix it or get it fixed right away by recommended Colorado Springs roofing companies to ensure that your roof is at its very best when snow and ice come;
- Free your roof – both snow and ice dams are very heavy and harmful for roofs, therefore they should be removed from your roof. You can use a roof rake to get snow off the roof, but ice dams are best removed manually, with gentle movements to prevent hurting your roof;
- Insulate your attic – proper insulation underneath the roof can prevent the formation of ice dams and will also improve the energy-efficiency of your entire home by preventing energy exchange.