Two Main Types of Residential Solar Panels

Considering that almost all the planet’s resources are declining significantly from one day to the next, everyone’s attention is shifting towards renewable alternatives, environmentally friendly solutions that people can use without creating more problems or risks.

trusted rep for a Colorado Springs roofing company tells us that solar panels are among the main options, and more and more people are starting to invest in them.

Colorado Springs roofing company

There are two main types of residential solar panels:

Photovoltaic solar panels

Photovoltaic solar panels are composed of solar cells and convert solar energy directly into electricity. Certain materials can be used to produce electricity when exposed to sunlight, and this property is known as the photovoltaic effect. Solar panels use this property to convert light energy into electricity. Furthermore, an inverter converts it into alternating current that you can use in your home. Excess electricity can be stored separately, in a storage battery, and you can use it later, for example, at night.

Solar thermal panels

They are also known as collectors or heat collectors. Unlike photovoltaic panels, solar thermal panels capture solar energy and transform it into thermal energy, water being the main heating agent. Solar thermal panels can provide only 60-80% of the hot water requirements in winter, but in summer the percent can reach 100%.

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