High winds are among the most devastating forces of nature, responsible for destroying and severely damaging thousands of roofs each year. If you live in a high-wind region and you are looking for a roofing material that can stand up to strong winds, here are some great options for you:
- Fiberglass shingles – when installed properly, these modern materials can withstand very strong winds and storms. If you pick this solution, inform your roofer that you would like to ensure superior wind-resistance – the detail is important for your roofer, the contractor might decide to choose special fasteners or more nails for more secure fastening;
- Metal roofing – when installed properly, using the right fastening solutions, Fort Collins roofing company spokespersons say metal roofs are one of the most resistant materials and the best choice for windy regions;
- Clay and cement tiles – these heavy and durable materials offer superior thermal insulation, therefore they are great for hot climate areas as well as for regions that get extremely cold winters, while their weight and the fastening solutions used for the installation also makes sure that your tiles will stand up even to the highest winds. Tile systems also have the advantage of being composed of smaller components, so even if the wind is so strong that it causes damage in your roof, the damage is likely to be limited to just a few tiles.