Why Inspect Your Commercial Roof During the Summer

Summer weather usually comes with strong sunshine, storms, high winds, often hail and periods of heavy raining, too, all posing challenges to your commercial roofs. While roof maintenance schedules usually include two inspection and maintenance sessions per year, one in spring and one in fall, extreme weather can cause roofing damage that should be addressed right away, therefore it is recommended to get your commercial roof inspected by commercial roof repair Fort Collins pros after each period of harsh weather. Here is what summer inspections should include:

commercial roof repair Fort Collins pros

  • A complete walk-around – though the damage suffered by flat roofs is not visible from the ground, gutter and siding damage can be easily detected from down there, too;
  • Inspection performed at roof level – the inspection should involve checks from roof level, too. Climb up on a ladder to the edge of the roof to take a closer look at the roof flashing, the gutters and the vents and to see whether there is any ponding water that needs to be removed. Inspect the roof standing on the ladder, without stepping on the roof surface to avoid accidents;
  • Timely repairs – Call commercial roof repair Fort Collins pros to address whatever roofing issue that you detect right away to avoid the aggravation of the problem and to preserve your roof in good shape.

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