Advantages of Clay Roofing Systems

Interstate Roofing

If you want to build a new house or plan to change the old roof, you will find yourself in the situation of choosing the materials you prefer. One of the solutions available on the market and frequently recommended by roofing specialists – see Interstate Roofing –  is a clay roofing system.

Advantages of installing a clay roof on your home

This product has the longest lifespan (up to 80-100 years and even longer, if they are properly maintained and subject to no disaster)

– It is thermo resistant, which means that it effectively protects the house from cold and frost; unlike a metal roofing system, a clay roof offers greater protection from the cold, but also better sound insulation.

Clay tiles are also resistant to acid rain and their aspect will not fade in time, if the roof is cleaned periodically and repaired responsibly, with materials that match exactly the initial materials.

– A clay roofing system is well-ventilated, due to the installation of ventilation tiles. It has the lowest level of condensation under the cover, so the wooden structure is not so prone to rot and the attack of microorganisms that love moisture and it is expected to last for a long time.

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