How Do I Know the Best Material to Use on My Commercial Roof?

Commercial roofs are different from residential roofs in many ways, the most obvious different being the sloping angle – while most residential roofs feature steep sloping angles, residential structures are almost completely flat. The difference in structure brings about differences in terms of the materials used on the two types of roofs – here are the best options to choose from for your commercial roof:

  • Ethylene propylene diene monomer – usually referred to simply as EPDM, the material is a lightweight and very durable synthetic rubber that can resist extreme weather due to its elasticity and that can provide a significant improvement in the entire building’s energy efficiency. Well-maintained EPDM roofs can last for about 25-35 years;
  • Thermoplastic polyolefin – TPO is also an elastic, rubberized material that offers roughly the same life expectancy as EPDM and that stands out with its capability to reflect light and its resistance to UV radiation;
  • Built-up roofs – the most classic roofing solution for residential applications uses alternated layers of bitumen, ply sheets reinforced with organic materials or fiberglass and aggregate. BUR systems provide superior protection from leaks, heat, UV radiation and fires. Leading commercial roof repair Fort Collins pros say that, properly inspected and maintained, they can be expected to last for up to 30 years.

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