How to Know If It’s Time for Roof Repairs or A Whole New Roof

Roofs are resistant and durable structures, but they don’t live forever – while some problems can be efficiently remedied with regular inspections and repairs (see, some signs tell you that you need to prepare for roof replacement. Here are a few symptoms from both categories:

roof installation and repair

  • Most roofing cover materials are designed to last for decades, so if only a few of your shingles or tiles are cracked, you can easily replace the damaged items without having to replace the entire roof. However, be prepared that the color of the recently installed tiles or shingles will not match the color of the rest of the roof perfectly;
  • The same goes for larger patches as well – you can replace taches of shingles or tiles as well;
  • Roof sagging – in some cases, the damaged beam that causes the roof to sag can be replaced lifting the roof with an elevator and keeping it up until the new beam is fixed into place, but if more than one beam is damaged, you might want to have a closer look to eliminate the cause of the damage and you might have to replace the entire roof as well;
  • Other problems that can only be solved with complete replacement – replacement is often the only solution for extensive damage caused by a recent storm and roofs that are very old also need to be removed and replaced.

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