When you are in the market for getting a new roof there are a lot of things that are important to consider before making any decisions. You want to make sure you are getting a good deal, not getting ripped off by a scammer, know the materials are quality, and one thing that is often overlooked, get a company that won’t leave you with a mess to clean up.
5 Things to Know Before You Replace Your Roof
If you’ve had old roofing stripped off, about 10,000 nails came with it—and most landed on your grass, mulch, and driveway. Contractors have a tool that makes it easy to pick these up—a giant magnet on wheels that they pass over the yard to grab the dropped fasteners so they don’t cause any flat tires or injuries. But workers don’t always remember to bring it to the jobsite. So if you’re seeing nails around (you’ll know), when your roofer comes by for the final payment, ask him to bring the magnet and do the honors while he’s there.
Read the rest of the tips at time.com…
At Interstate Roofing we take pride in every job we do all the way down to when we clean up after reroofing your Denver home. Some roofing companies will leave you with a mess on your lawn and an abundance of nails left behind. Not us. The cleanup process is just as important as the rest of the work we do and a job isn’t finished until we have finished the cleanup. That’s just one more reason you can count on us.