It’s not always clear how much insulation your home might need. If you purchased it in the summer, the seller may have already convinced you that the house is built in an area seldom affected by cold temperatures, and the amount of attic and wall insulation you have is adequate. However, this isn’t always so.
Depending on the area you live in, there are specific standards that require each home to have a minimum level of insulation. In colder areas you might need at least R40 or R50 for your attic, while your ceiling and wall insulation might also range between R15 and R30. If your new house doesn’t comply, you will have to install additional insulation sheathing just to stay up to code.
The guidelines associated with minimum insulation levels will not always be able to protect you from the cold. In many cases, depending on the architecture and placement of your home, as well as the thickness and materials used for each layer of insulation might lead to higher energy costs. If your HVAC system seems to be working overtime to compensate for loss of heat, it may also be a good idea to add a few extra layers in the attic.
Finally, you have to consider the long term value of your home. If you’re planning on reselling it or leaving the property as an inheritance to your children, consider adding new insulation as a precautionary measure, and to ensure that your home can still be valued at a good enough price.
If you would like to learn more about insulation specifics, or see if your home is insulated with the best capacity to conserve energy, please contact Interstate Roofing, a knowledgeable Colorado Springs roofing company.