Quick Ways to Repair Your Own Roof

If rain water reaches the inside of your house, it is too late to think about prevention, so you will have to be quick and focus on performing some repairs to minimize the damage.

If the problem seems rather minor and appears after an abundant torrential rain, you might be lucky: your shingles may be in good shape and the leak may be only temporary and related to a clogged pluvial system. This scenario is not so frightening and it requires you to clean your gutters and downspouts from debris. To prevent such problems, you should clean your pluvial system regularly, at least twice a year, or to install gutter guards, which will allow you to ignore this maintenance operation for a longer time.

On the other hand, if the water leak is caused by problems with your shingles, the necessary repairs can be more complicated and you may need to call a leak repair commercial roofing Denver CO professional. However, there are a few quick ways to repair some minor problems on your own, but make sure you are skilled enough, have the right tools and protective equipment to work safely at height.

leak repair commercial roofing Denver CO

Replacing missing or damaged shingles/ tiles

Missing or damaged shingles/ tiles represent a breach of the water tightness of your roof and must be replaced as soon as you notice the problem. You can do this yourself, if the damage is limited to only a few shingles. Just make sure you follow a professional commercial roofing tutorial, to avoid causing additional damage.

Replacing flashing

Flashing is made of metal and it will corrode in time. When it does, it needs to be replaced because, considering that it protects roof valleys and surrounds other roof penetrations, flashing is essential to prevent water infiltrations.


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