The Difference Between Commercial Roofing Repairs and Roofing Restorations

Fort Collins commercial roofing

If you own a house or a commercial building, you probably have already faced problems with the roof: damage or water infiltration. Although the roofs are designed to last for a long time, they are not infallible, and depending on the type of roofing, the wear will appear sooner or later. Premature wear can be largely caused by incorrect installation and poor maintenance. The most frequent damage to the roof comes in the form of infiltrations, rot, cracked, loose or missing materials and galvanic corrosion (in the case of metal roofs). These problems not only can cause damage to the entire building and te things inside it, but also require very large amounts of money for repairs.

What do we choose: repairing, restoring or replacing the damaged roof?

If you have a roof with various vulnerabilities and damage, you have three options: repairs, restoration or replacement. Of course, the decision depends on the state of the roof and the budget you have.

Repairs often refer to patching the roof, solving smaller problems. On the other side, roof restoration is more complex and represents an intervention aimed at bringing the roof closer to its original state, without changing its configuration or details. If the budget does not allow you to replace the roof altogether, restoration can be a good alternative. The right products and a team of Fort Collins commercial roofing professionals can preserve the roof`s integrity and extend the life even of even the most damaged roofs.

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