Interstate Roofing Colorado Springs gives a shout out to Touch-A-Truck event

Interstate Roofing of Colorado Springs Touch-A-Truck Evenr


At Interstate Roofing we are proud to be in the communities that we serve. There are lots of reasons we love being a part of the Colorado Springs community but last weekend, one event reminded us why.

The 7th annual Touch-A-Truck weekend came to Colorado Springs January 27-29. The event, which is hosted by the Junior League of Colorado Springs, allows children to safely explore large work vehicles that could otherwise be dangerous. There are fire trucks, tractors, and other massive construction vehicles with wheels so large even adults can sit inside.

During the event, children are encouraged to get behind the steering wheels, (the keys aren’t in the ignition of course) climb around, and let their curiosity run. All of the money from the event benefits the sponsor, Junior League of Colorado Springs to further their mission and support community programs. Check out some of the fantastic event photos by the Colorado Springs Gazette here.

We love that our community has opportunities where children can see construction vehicles up close and learn how things work. Thank you, Colorado Springs, for making us proud to be your Colorado Springs roofing company.

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